Attitudes and Perspectives for the Geulah Generation
Moshiach Mindset
Attitudes and Perspectives for the Geulah Generation in 28 standalone segments; across seven chapters/themes based on the Rebbe’s Torah. Each segment consists of engaging curricula, selected sichah texts with interpolated translation, processing questions and takeaways, and a take-home dvar Torah. A 679 page textbook best for high-schools, seminaries, bochurim English-programs and adult learning groups.
Original Series:
Six transformative themes from the Rebbe’s Torah to adopt a Moshiach Mindset.
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Current and Relevant
The Rebbe famously demanded from the Chassidim to “live Moshiach.” Not just to do another act to hasten his coming, not just to demand his arrival, not just to anticipate his imminent appearance with bated breath, but to already “live Moshiach” today. Right now. While it sounds exciting, and every chossid is energized to implement it, the burning question is, “What does that mean and how do we do it?” This is the single question driving Moshiach Mindset.
As a primer to “Moshaich Mindset'’, Tut Altz presents: “Current & Relevant: The Rebbe’s call to adopt a Moshiach Mindset”