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Illusionist Brings Moshiach Topics To Life

Updated: Jan 23, 2023

A Hakhel event for kids created by the Moshiach Office at Merkos 302 shows kids how to go from Galus to Geulah. All you have to do is: Add the Aleph!

A Hakhel event for kids created by the Moshiach Office at Merkos 302 shows kids how to go from Galus to Geulah. All you have to do is: Add the Aleph!

The Aleph represents Hashem, the “Alufo Shel Olam — Master of The Universe.” Adding the Alef into the word Galus symbolizes revealing Hashem’s presence in the world. Preparing the world for Moshiach by seeing life as it will be when the Geulah is here.

Moderated by Rabbi Mendel Lerman, the event is packed with inspiration and entertainment - including optical illusions, an exciting game, and a Niggun. It also features world-renowned illusionist Ilan Smith, who communicates deep Geulah concepts to the kids using breathtaking visual demonstrations.

“It’s important for children to have fun and exciting experiences like these that help them internalize Geulah concepts and their relevance to their lives,” said Rabbi Shloime Naparstek, director of the Moshiach Office at Merkos 302.

The event is part of a monthly Hakhel program that Tut Altz Kids launched at the beginning of the school year to inspire children in their unique role of bringing Moshiach. Based on the Live with Geulah Now! curriculum, each event reviews a segment and is released as a recording to be watched in the classroom or at home. The “Hide and Seek” event reviews the latest segment learned: Add the Aleph.

Those who have yet to study the segment can also enjoy the event. It is the third of the Tut Altz Kids Hakhel events to be released, and they are all available on

Teachers can send pictures of their class watching the recording to or +1 (347) 343-4514 by Friday 27 Teves- January 20th, to enter into an incredible raffle for a personalized Tut Altz Maze for everyone in their class!

The next Kids Hakhel Event will be available from Monday 8 Shevat - January 30th, reviewing Segment #6: Get Out of Golus. The booklet is available here for free download or on our website:



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