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Hundreds of Communities Worldwide Celebrated Festival of the Future

Hundreds of Chabad Houses worldwide marked the last day of Pesach with the Festival of the Future. This project, produced by the Moshiach Office at Merkos 302, equipped Chabad Houses with high-quality resources for a series of Acharon Shel Pesach programs, culminating at the Seudas Moshiach. 

Hundreds of Chabad Houses worldwide marked the last day of Pesach with a unique celebration—the Festival of the Future. This project, produced by the Moshiach Office at Merkos 302, equipped Chabad Houses with high-quality resources to host a series of Acharon Shel Pesach programs, climaxing at the Seudas Moshiach. 

Rabbi Levi Naparstek, Shliach of S.O.S in Côte-Luc, Montreal, shares: “One of our community members was often very often critical about Moshiach. After the Moshiach Seudah, he asked me if I would be able to teach a weekly class on Moshiach—and he would arrange all the details!” 

This year's theme, “Peace by Peace: Your Part in Cultivating a Harmonious World,” resonated deeply with participants due to the ongoing conflicts in the world. 

“Celebrating Moshiach Seudah with your community is a powerful tool to demonstrate the cosmic impact of each action to bring Moshiach,” says Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, Vice-Chairman of Merkos L’inyonei Chinuch.

The Festival of the Future saw 190 Chabad Houses host the main Shul Program, 1000 Seder Nigunim Companions distributed to hundreds of locations, 150 Family Farbengens from the Home Moshiach Seudah by MyShliach,  and 1000 Mivtzoim handouts produced by

Rabbi Yaakov Raskin, Chabad of Montego Bay, Jamaica describes the impact: "It was really unbelievable. Everyone really appreciated it, they were on another level. It made the concepts very practical and it wouldn't have been the same without it.”

One Crown Heights resident, Mrs. Shterna Rappaport, shares how the Home Farbrengen by MyShliach inspired the whole family, “The inspiring content about Moshiach kept our children engaged throughout the entire Moshiach Seudah! They especially enjoyed the stories, the thought-provoking questions and the fun booklet graphics as an added bonus. Thank you to all of those who invested time and effort to make it happen!”

To keep the inspiration going year-round, the Moshiach Office launched The Alef, an initiative that provides Moshiach education in clear and concise weekly segments for a Chabad House crowd. These free, two-page PDFs require no preparation and are perfect for any study session.

Hundreds of shluchim have jumped on the opportunity, like Rabbi Ber Rosenblat, Chabad of Mountain View. “The feedback was great,” he shares,” and we are now discussing a weekly follow-up Moshiach class from The Alef program (” 

To receive The Alef weekly in your inbox, sign up here:

*All pictures and videos were taken before and after Yom Tov



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