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Learning by the Lights: Enhance your Menorah Experience with a Moshiach Learning Series

Learning by the Lights is an eight-part learning series for Chanukah. This family-friendly Menorah-side study from the Moshiach Office at Merkos 302 invites you to delve into a captivating topic that hopes to shed light on current events. 

Life-altering events are unfolding faster than we can report them. The world seems to be hurtling along at a rapid pace. 

What is going on? Why is the world changing so much and so fast? Look for the signs; you’ll see how close we are to the real breakthrough.

Tut Altz at Merkos 302 presents Learning by the Lights, an eight-part learning series for Chanukah. This family-friendly Menorah-side study invites you to delve into a captivating topic that will open your eyes—shedding light on current events and how they are much more than they seem. 

An excerpt from the soon-to-be-released Moshiach Mindset Textbook culled from the chapter titled ‘Worldview: Seeing the Signs is a Science,’ this series is based on the Rebbe’s sichah of Mishpatim 5752, a guide on how to view the news through a Moshiach perspective. This series is produced by Tut Altz in conjunction with JLI and SIE. 

“The positive feedback from this learning series has been tremendous,” says Rabbi Shloime Neparstek of the Moshiach Office at Merkos 302. “One Shliach, who asked to remain anonymous, shared with me how introducing Worldview and the Mishpatim Sichah to someone from a religious background and it gave them a whole new appreciation for the Rebbe’s teachings. Everyone is encouraged to join this program.”

A free PDF of Learning by the Lights will be released daily on the Tut Altz Whatsapp broadcast. To participate, sign up at

In addition, stay tuned for an exciting single children's learning segment special for the fifth night of Chanukah! As Pirsumei Nisa is the central theme of Chanukah, take part in the Rebbe’s request to share miracle stories as a preparation for Moshiach.

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