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MyShliach FOTF Kids Seudah Cards

Updated: Apr 18, 2023

Are you looking for a fun and meaningful way to engage the teena in your community for Moshiach Seudah? Look no further than CTeens’ newest offering - our Moshiach Seudah Cards!

Designed by our experienced team, this program engages the teens with discussion promoters to spark a spirited farbengen on Moshiach, the purpose of creation and a geulah perspective.

Our Seuda Cards comes included when you register for the Festival of the Future package from the Moshiach Office!

The focus of the Festival’s theme is One By One and the power of every Jew, and every mitzvah, to make a real impact. The program enables teens to understand and embrace this message in a fun and meaningful way.

Register here to secure your copy.

We can’t wait to help you inspire and engage your community’s teens!

Wishing you a meaningful and inspiring Acharon Shel Pesach and Moshiach Seudah,

The Cteen Team

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