The challenging 24 hours during which a beloved teacher underwent intensive surgery inspired the students of Shulamith High School in Woodmere, NY, to raise over 1,800 mitzvahs.
It was destined to be a grueling 24 hours. Battling cancer, a beloved teacher at Shulamith High School in the Five Towns would be undergoing an intensive surgery. Emotions were running high. In addition to their round-the-clock Tehillim groups, the two hundred students and faculty were determined to do more.
Mrs. Ricky Gaerman, the Assistant Principal at SHS, discovered an online platform that channels collective energy—the OneMitzvah initiative. “This was exactly what we were looking for,” she says.
With the tagline reading, “One School. One Family. כְּאִישׁ אֶחָד בְּלֵב אֶחָד”, the girls embarked on a unique campaign, raising a currency far more valuable than money.
“Working with teens, the campaign’s tactile component—clicking on a mitzvah and watching the numbers rise—gave them instant gratification,’’ says Mrs. Gaerman. “The competitive aspect of the challenge to raise 1,800 mitzvahs led to a resounding success.”
Now recovering and back in school, the beloved teacher was genuinely touched how students and faculty rallied together, building a warm community.
“One Mitzvah the initiative to garner more mitzvahs, more often, for Moshiach, is the project of the Jewish People at large,” says Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, Vice-Chairman of Merkos L’inyonei Chinuch and founder of One Mitzvah. “We congratulate the girls of the beautiful commitments taken and their contribution to ushering in a time when we will know no more illness, may it happen soon.”
Whether celebrating a joyous occasion, providing strength to heal, or giving support amidst loss, turn every moment into a Mitzvah opportunity. Personalize your campaign today at