Tut Altz Women, an organization that empowers Jewish women to connect with their unique mission to bring Moshiach, has launched a new series of prepackaged workshops on how to approach everyday life with a Moshiach mindset.

Tut Altz Women, an organization that empowers Jewish women to connect with their unique mission to bring Moshiach, has launched a new series of prepackaged workshops on how to approach everyday life with a Moshiach mindset. The program aims to help participants pre-experience Geulah through group learning, discussion, activities, and journaling.
In numerous Sichos, the Rebbe described the concept of living with a Geulah perspective despite being in a time of Galus. The Pre-Experience series has adapted these Sichos and made them accessible in a new and unique format. The series also leans into the power of the Hakhel year, established as a means to re-experience the divine revelation of Matan Torah via all Jews uniting together to hear the king’s reading of the Torah in the Beis Hamikdash. These Moshiach-focused gatherings can provide the perfect setting for that inspiration and connection to be experienced in a Hakhel today.
Each event kit includes everything needed to successfully execute a top-notch Hakhel event: such as a professionally prepared guide for the MC with menu and decor inspiration and even an Amazon cart, hands-on activities and a range of discussion topics, plus a complete package of learning material, journals and mementos for each participant. And, attention multitaskers: Workshop leaders can listen to a pre-recorded overview of the learning segment for efficient and easy preparation for the event. “I always enjoy programs that are well thought out,” says Mrs. Chaya Wilhelm Shlucha in Coral Springs, Florida. “I just don’t always have the time to prepare them. The pre-experience Tut Altz Women series delivers that on a silver platter.”
“The goal of our events is to infuse participants with a Moshiach mindset,” says Mrs. Gitel Naparstek, co-director of the Moshiach Office at Merkos 302. When asked about the process behind the creation of this program, she said, “We asked ourselves: think about those times when we might feel most mired by the humdrum of day-to-day life. What essential points from the Rebbe’s Torah can inspire us to be Geulah-minded in that moment? And we went with that.”
Geared for women, seminary age and beyond, the Pre-Experience packages are available for purchase at tutaltz.com/women for $39. Journals, learning handouts, and suggested gifts beyond the standard package have a separate cost of $4. While the programs are designed to run in order, each can also stand on its own. For questions or feedback, please reach out to women@tutaltz.com.
